Festive Bucket List


Image from WeHeartIt & edited by myself.

If Someone said to me in November last year ‘are you excited for Christmas? honestly, I’d have told them where to go! I get excited for Christmas but I refuse to before December 1st and I can only get a bit excited as I’m usually on a downer for the majority of the time.

But this year, having a little one, there’s just something so special and magical about it all! It makes me feel like a kid again, but excited for Logan mostly of course! I’ve been preparing for Christmas for a couple f months now and, dare I say it, I have finished getting Logan’s Christmas presents (all bar a bath bomb from Lush of course!) Hopefully, having returned to work means I can get a few gifts for people but we’re mostly going to try and make it super exciting and magical for bear.

I teamed up with 2 of my favourite bloggers Amy and Emily and created a festive/winter bucket list of all the things I’d like to do for Logan’s first Christmas, and ours as a family. (Make sure to check theirs out!) I can’t wait to start our own traditions and doing lots of festive activities this winter season. Here’s my bucket list…

1. Visit some Christmas markets…maybe the Manchester ones or some smaller local ones, but I love the idea of getting out in the cold all wrapped up, drinking hot chocolate and joining in with the hustle and bustle of people.

2. Decorate the house a little for Christmas and the new tree. We’ve never really had much decoration but I would love to have lots this year! I can just imagine us all decorating and preparing for Christmas, with something festive on the TV, and Logan putting the topper on the tree and playing in tinsel. SO CUTE!

3. Go on some lovely wintery walks all wrapped up and getting some lovely fresh air. Doesn’t have to be anywhere special but it would definitely be lovely to get out and enjoy the crisp mornings or cool evenings.

4. Get our first proper Christmas stockings! If I can get personalised ones, that would be incredible. I’d also love to get some lovely first Christmas and family decorations.

5. Have an evening once a week where we snuggle up with hot drinks (warm milk for bear of course) and watch a lovely movie together, enjoying the countdown to Christmas.

6. Do a book advent calendar…this one is almost complete and ready to begin. With bear only being 9 months old at the beginning of December, I’m not really wanting him to have much chocolate still, so I looked for alternative advent calendar ideas and this was by far my most favourite. I’ll get him to open one each evening that we can snuggle down to with his bottle and cuddle up in bed.

7. Get us all some lovely new pj’s for Christmas eve (I’ve already got Logan’s haha) when I was younger, we would always have a lovely bubble bath, a takeaway for tea and snuggle down in our new pj’s and watch a film together before trotting off up to bed early, ready for Santa’s arrival.

8. Do some baking with Logan and make some lovely Christmassy treats.

9. Make some fab handmade cards, salt dough decorations and cute little gifts for people.

10. Make snowmen and have some family fun in the snow (if and when it does snow of course)

So there’s my bucket list for this winter. I’ve never really had one before or gotten much excited over it but every time I read this, it just fills me with so much happiness.

What’s on your bucket list this festive season?

4 thoughts on “Festive Bucket List

  1. Christmas definitely changes once you’ve got a child, you’ve got me all excited for both our babies first Christmas! EEEK, Cant wait to see all your pictures and decorations. X


    1. It really does! I’m so excited, I’ve never gotten this excited but I’m ready to get into the Christmas spirit haha! I can’t wait to see yours either! We’ll definitely be having a craft day and making most of them but then they can go in his box of memories and stuff xx


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